Austrian Ambassador to Ankara Gabriele Juen and the accompanying Austrian delegation visited Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ayşe Ünlüce. During the visit where cooperation was emphasized, Ambassador Juen spoke highly of Eskişehir and said that they would like to realize joint projects.
Mayor Ayşe Ünlüce welcomed Austrian Ambassador to Ankara Gabriele Juen, Istanbul Commercial Attaché Gerhard Lackner, RHI Magnesita CEO Mine Enüstün and Manuela Kaltenegger Görgü, Office Manager of the Undersecretariat of Trade at the Austrian Embassy.
Stating that they are in the city to make various contacts, Ambassador Juen said that Eskişehir is a city that attracts attention in terms of culture and art. Stating that they have closely followed the activities carried out in Eskişehir until today, Ambassador Gabriele Juen stated that they would like to realize important projects.
Reminding that the Austrian city of Linz and Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality became sister cities in 2012, Mayor Ünlüce stated that they are open to all kinds of cooperation. Stating that Eskişehir is home to many different cultures, Mayor Ünlüce said, “Our city has all the facilities of a big city and the comfort of a small city. We are working with all our strength for the peace of our fellow citizens.”
Mayor Ünlüce expressed his gratitude for the visit and thanked Ambassador Juen and the Austrian delegation.
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